Frequently asked questions

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Yes, register now for free, instant access and create as many TV campaigns as you like. You can then book them or save as draft campaigns ready to book later.

Harness the reach and effectiveness of TV with TV HUB’s smart self-service platform from just $10,000 plus GST.

The soonest a campaign can start is 4 weeks from the current date. If you would like to start a campaign sooner, we might be able to help so please contact us.

You can target a wide range of consumer demographics from the very broad to the more narrow. See our target demographic list here. And remember, TV HUB guarantees you will receive the impressions and CPM shown for your chosen audience or we will refund the difference.

Your campaign will run across an optimal mix of of Metro Free to Air and/or Pay TV stations in Australia with a skew towards the densely populated cities of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.

If you would like to run in specific markets please get in touch - we provide this customisation through our free managed service.

Of course! The team at TV HUB are here to help at any time to answer a question, help you create a campaign, take you through the reporting dashboards or to fully manage your campaigns – all free of charge.

TV HUB selects optimal media from all major Commercial TV and Pay TV networks.

You can choose to exclude some TV networks and channels from your campaign, but we recommend you let TV HUB choose the right networks and channel mix to give you the most effective strategy and best value for your media investment.

TV HUB's media optimiser chooses the most efficient airtime from all metro Free to Air TV stations and Pay TV. It also takes into account your objectives before making a recommendation.

TV HUB is part of a group that spends millions of dollars on TV every month and is powered by strategic learnings from thousands of TV campaigns. So you know you are getting maximum value, and maximum results.

With TV HUB you can choose from 3 preset buying strategies, or customise your own.

Performance: Drive the highest volume of immediate response for the budget. These campaigns prioritise efficiency with placement in dayparts and programming that are proven Direct Response performers.

Brand: Maximise exposure of your ad by prioritising reach including within premium/prime time environments. Brand campaigns skew towards higher rating shows and may include more main channel Free To Air programs.

Hybrid - Mixes networks, day-parts and programming that are cost efficient response drivers with those that are premium reach builders to provide a balance of performance and brand objectives.

When you buy a campaign with TV HUB you can rest assured 100% of your audience will be delivered. We guarantee the impressions and CPM will be achieved or will refund you the shortfall. No one else in Australia offers this guarantee across all TV networks.

‘Guaranteed Audience’ is the number of impressions (the amount of times your ad will be seen) for your selected target audience, delivered across a combination of TV channels, that TV HUB guarantee you will receive or will refund the value of the difference.

All TV audience is independently measured by OzTam, the official source of television audience measurement in Australia.

Your TV commercial will air across a variety of channels that reach your chosen customer demographic. You have a choice of networks, time of day and day of week and can also choose from 3 different preset campaign strategies depending on your objectives.

The beauty of TV HUB is that it is an audience-based TV buying platform that focusses on delivering audience impressions – not just spots. This means you can effectively reach the consumers you want, through the shows and TV channels that they choose to watch. This removes the volatility and uncertainty around the specific audience performance of individual TV spots and networks.

Due to regulatory restrictions, if you wish to advertise these products, please contact us.

Linear/Broadcast TV is the traditional system where a viewer watches a scheduled TV program when it airs on its original channel. The TV broadcaster signal is received by an aerial, satellite or cable.

BVOD (sometimes known as CTV) is a digital system where a viewer watches TV broadcaster content via an app whether live or 'on demand'. The TV broadcaster content is delivered via the internet. Content can be viewed across multiple devices such as mobile phones, tablets, computers, smart TVs, AppleTV etc.


TV HUB gives you quick and easy visibility on campaign performance – both in terms of media delivery, and business results. TV HUB measures audience delivery throughout the campaign in as close to real time as possible. Audience delivery is provided daily in our client reporting dashboard.

Audience Reporting: TV HUB measures audience delivery using OzTam data, the industry standard third-party audience measurement provider, and assesses audience delivery in line with our proprietary forecasts.

Results Reporting: TV HUB will provide a tracking pixel that you can load onto your website. This pixel will provide real time response and sales data that will be mapped to your TV activity for the purpose of tracking consumer actions at a granular spot level. You can view your campaign performance results daily through our campaign dashboard. TV HUB is partnered with global TV analytics leaders TVSquared and Analyser. Using these providers together with our team of Data Analysts and bespoke analytics processes, we provide you with the gold standard in performance measurement for your TV campaigns.

Our client dashboard lets you see things like impressions served, networks, day-parts and CPM throughout the campaign, but what sets TV HUB apart is our ability to report on specific business outcomes.

Our Performance Analytics team takes a deep dive on your campaign KPIs to present you with results for things like costs per visit, cost per conversion and more. TV HUB will also incorporate these learnings into your future campaigns.

Rest assured that your data is safe. We take data security seriously which is why, in conjunction with our development partners, we have built the platform using leading industry security techniques which include threat detection, protection from DDoS attacks, and enhanced database security layers.

Your data is also encrypted both over the wire and at rest using the highest encryption strength available.


Yes. If you have a broadcast ready TVC, a video used locally or overseas, or any other kind of creative asset, we can help you get it prepared and sent to the TV stations.

Yes. If you have existing collateral you would like a TV commercial produced from, or require something from scratch, just tell us a bit about your business and what you’d like to achieve and we’ll connect you to the right TV production partner to create the best commercial for your needs.


All campaigns are paid for in advance. An invoice will be emailed with a payment link once you have created and approved your campaign.

You can pay via EFT, BPay, SWIFT Credit Card.